Tuesday, March 01, 2005

More D*ana

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Previous Posts
- She likes to take ALL the blocks out one at a time...
- Just playing with the new photo software LOL...
- m.i.l.f.s love the mall!
- How about these pants Mommy - they'll make your bu...
- Where's Kyla?
- Peek-A-Boo!
- Get these stupid things off my head!!
- I want this one Mommy!!!How cute!!! I have a bunc...
- compliments.
- i'm a very bored m.i.l.f.

Isn't your baby overweight?
are you serious with the question??
How dare you say that about little Kyla, she is absolutely adorable!
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OMG people just do not even acknowledge the rude comments. I'm keeping it open to whoever wants to comment... It's a pain in the arse to have to sign up...
It's the same person who has posted anonymously to my blog for a very long time - it's really funny they don't go away...
But just don't acknowledge the comments.
My child is beautiful and adorable and no lame comment like that is going to upset me.
Please, just don't respond to them, and I'll delete them.
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