m.i.l.f. cravings...

I am SO craving a nice big tall iced mocha with whipped cream... I tried to find pictures of them in a google search and this is the best I could come up with LOL...
SO YUMMY. I haven't had one in over a month so I'm jonesing for one!! Hopefully this weekend I'll get to the mall or go somewhere for one... they are SO GOOD my mouth is watering just thinking about one!!
Can you believe Denise Richards filed for divorce?!?! Did anyone know they were having problems? Kinda shocking... when I read that article last year right after she had her baby, it seemed like he was totally being cool and being a good dad... but I know sometimes people want to give the illusion they are happy when really it isn't good... I'm sure she has good reasons. She's also 6 months pregnant with their second child, so you know there's gotta be some ish going down if she's prego and getting divorced!!
Have you ever found something out that kind of blows you away... but then you realize that you knew it all along and were probably just in denial of it because it was so horrible you didn't want to believe it was true? I have made the mistake - more than once - of trying to believe all the good and just brush off the bad... but eventually true colors really do show through. It is usually in the most trying of times that people are really tested... and when someone fails you - you know. You hope it'll be different, but... when it all comes down to it - you know.
Things are cool here. I am on the air again this weekend, just don't know what time yet... and I have some people I want to see this weekend but I have to find out if I can get anyone to watch Kyla for a few hours. Plus I need to find out when I am working before making any plans. A friend I haven't seen in a long time wants to hang out Sunday night... so we'll see. And Friday is my friend Jessica's birthday so I want to get out to her little bash too.
Kyla's birthday is in exactly 4 weeks!!! I can't believe it - she's going to be a year old!!! I am not sure what we'll be doing for her birthday. I'm going to have to learn how to bake a birthday cake!! I just can't wait to see her mashing the cake into her mouth and stuff... it's going to be SO CUTE!! It's hard to believe a year ago at this time I was scouring the apartment on Harbour Island preparing for the baby shower... how life has changed since then - WOW!!
Anyway, I'm going to bed... hopefully that pic of the iced mocha didn't make you crave one too!!
OMG....I can't believe Denise Richards filed for divorce and she is prego. I guess Charlie will never change!!
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Whoops! I thought I'd have the opportunity to put a name on my post. Mine is Leigh. Sorry about that...this isn't an anonymous hit and run. I don't know about how this blog software works, sorry!
M.I.L.F is just a funny word. I don't take it all that seriously... as for low self-esteem... what mom doesn't feel less attractive after having a child?
It's a joke. Don't take me - or anything else - too seriously. It's my journal, and I think the word M.I.L.F. is funny. A guy friend came up with it... and instead of just calling it "My journal" or something... I called it the M.I.L.F. Diaries.
Again, let me remind you, this is MY journal and if you don't like it - tough shit!
I got this stuff @ the grocery store called "Nescafe Iced Java". You just blend it with milk and ice...and it's not so good. But if you ad a scoop of vanilla ice cream--TOTALLY YUMMY! and it costs WAY less than Starbucks and such.
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