tiramisu and larry chairs...

Have you any idea what I am talking about?
Well, tiramisu - YUM, my favorite dessert... and if I eat too many, I might end up needing a Larry Chair some day.
We went to the Olive Garden for dinner tonight... and the OG has 4 chairs in each restaurant with no arm rests. These chairs are made for "guests of size" who can not fit comfortably in a booth or the regular chairs with arms. For some reason - tonight while waiting for our table I just started thinking about this one time at band camp...
No, sorry... I mean, this one time when I was a hostess at the OG, these really really large women came in... they DEFINITELY needed Larry Chairs... but ALL the LC's in the place were already being used. And the other hostesses and the manager and I all tried to figure out if these large guests would fit in a regular chair... and we didn't know what to do because they were waiting while all these other parties of 2 were seated... It was horrible.
I honestly don't remember how we handled it... I think finally the LC's became available and we sat them... just weird how I thought of that.
So now for the real juicy stuff... I dated a guy I worked with at the OG when I was 20... He was incredibly hot, we had a GREAT time together for all of about 5 months... then he dumped me... and just didn't want to talk to me anymore - EVER. I was heartbroken... He's one of those ex's that you just eventually tuck away in the back of your mind because you know you'll never see or hear from them again...
So we walk into the OG tonight... and plastered on the front of the building is HIS NAME, GENERAL MANAGER.
I about crapped my pants. I think I had heard he stayed in this area, but I had NO IDEA he was back running the same OG we'd worked at together...
I saw him. For a brief second. He did not see me. He was just walking out the door about 2 minutes after we walked in, and he was on the other side of the crowded lobby... My heart JUMPED when I saw him. It was SO WEIRD...
The one thing I was DYING TO KNOW - is he married???? Just one of those things I wonder about... I really thought he was awesome - he treated me really well, we had a blast, he was sweet, considerate, fun... until he just for whatever reason dumped me. He had said "I'm 7 years your senior... what do we have in common?" So I think maybe he was looking for a wife and knew I just wasn't going to be it at that time in my life... but I was crushed nonetheless...
So I ended up asking our waitress if he was married LMAO... but I didn't want to even let on that I knew his name, so I described him, and she was like - oh, that's the GM, uh... I don't know if he's married or not...
So now I am so curious. I googled him - but found nothing... and it doesn't help that there is some famous PhD author with the same name!!! I hate that!!
So that was my random night... we also went to Old Navy and I picked out a cute outfit for Kyla to wear for Easter. We're going to a brunch at my stepmom's sister's house Easter morning... I also picked up some invitations to send out for her birthday party.. everyone knows about it already, but I wanted to send the "1st birthday party!" invitations out for fun.
Of course pics of Kyla in her little Easter outfit coming soon... It's nothing too frilly, but it has matching shoes, hat, sweater... SUPER CUTE!
I never did write much about my night out St. Patrick's Day either... I saw some friends I hadn't seen for a while... they are actually girls my best friend works with... but I became friends with them through her when I lived here before... So we were catching up...
I was talking to one of the girls about men (in general) and how my whole "what I look for in a man" is completely different now... I guess I always went for the party guys... the ones who liked to have a good time... and somehow I ended up just realizing how many REALLY NICE GUYS I dumped - or never even took a chance on - in my past...
One person in particular - a guy I went to high school with... I ended up getting back in touch with him years later... we saw each other at a bar the night before Thanksgiving about 4 years ago... we exchanged phone numbers and he took me out one night and I was a complete bitch. He was cute, sweet, good job, just an all around NICE GUY - and I just didn't have any attraction to him. I know I said it - "he's just too nice".... WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING????????? I don't think he is married yet, but I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend. Not sure, haven't talked to him since long before I left Tampa.
So I don't know why I've been thinking about all these men from my past lately... Then of course the guy I left when I moved to Tampa - drive by his parent's house ALL THE TIME now... it's on the road to the mall, Target, restaurants, etc... so I can't avoid it unless I go out of my way so as not to pass it... Not sure what he's up to these days... I've heard he is not the nice guy I thought he was, so I guess it's better off leaving that one alone. We were friends for 10 years, then I left to go to Tampa and he just flipped out... I wasn't very nice to him - but then again, he did call me and leave me some pretty horrible voicemails... Still, I wish I had been kinder. How things would have been different had he come to live with me in FL like he wanted to...
Well, since I'm on the subject of ex-boyfriends... I have been trying to get in touch with my ex who is in Germany... at least last I knew that's where he is. He's in the Air Force. We did keep in touch, he used to call once in a while, but I haven't talked to him since right after Kyla was born... so it's been almost a year!!! I do have his niece's screen name, but I don't like to be that random and bother her. He's a good guy. Broke my heart (another one LOL) - but later I understood. I did get him to stop wearing Levi's tapered leg light wash jeans... eventually. He was totally adorable and fun - but wore the worst jeans. Good shirts, cute spikey hair, cool shoes, BAD JEANS! Oh it used to drive me insane. Just one of those little stupid things that really doesn't matter but would get to me!!! I am definitely proud of everything he has done and the changes he made for himself... We broke up because he joined the Air Force... he wanted to do something great with his life - and he did!!
I have another ex who lives around here, but he's got a girlfriend so I won't even try to contact him... he and I were friends long before we got together... I had to do the "all or nothing" deal with him and it tore me apart for a few days... but he ended up wanting to be with me "officially" which was cool... we went out for a while... then he went on a trip for 4 days to Cali and didn't call me the whole time. I was so mad by day 3 I hung out with my friend's boyfriend's friend... and ended up just dumping him when he got back. I guess he had thought a lot about me on the trip and wanted to tell me he wished I'd gone with him... but I never gave him a chance. I dumped him... he called me and wanted me back after that but I was never one to give second chances. Once I was done - I was done.
Don't ask me why THAT changed... I look back on all these things and realize I have more often than not given my heart - and second chances - to the WRONG people!
It will be a loooooong time before I date again... but at least I know now what I want - and what I don't want. It really is true that what you want at 20 is not what you want at 30, etc...
Anyway, those are the thoughts... I need to stop... I'm just in one of those reflecting moods I guess....
I am so loving the new U2 song... the station I work at is doing a U2 thing tonight and I was listening to it on the ride home from the OG... "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" - and by the way, does that one take the cake for the longest U2 song title EVER? They always have long titles... but that one is the longest I think... 8 words... "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" is only 7... Well, I guess maybe if you count the "I" it is 8 words... I don't know, I just know when I was talking into the song last night it felt like a realllllllly long title LOL.
I also LOVE the new Dave song American Baby... I would love to see DMB again but I think my concert-going days are all but over... Next show I see will probably be the Wiggles or Barney on Ice...
Speaking of my child - she was nuts last night! I was starting to think she was posessed or something... I came home at 11 and she was up with my dad on the couch... I brought her up with me and she wanted to just sit up in bed and HANG OUT. She was just talking her baby talk like CRAZY and laughing. I did not know what was going on. It was starting to freak me out because she was just so full of it! Then she was looking out the window and POINTING AT THE MOON - which I think was FULL last night... so I'm like WHAT IS UP!!! Needless to say I did not get much sleep...
She was an angel while we were shopping. Fussed a little in Old Navy but other than that she was great... She was alllll about the breadsticks at Olive Garden. I am pretty picky about what she eats, but as long as she eats her fruits and veggies every day, I let her have some yummy things in moderation. She had yogurt for breakfast, peaches and cheese (yummy combination!) for lunch and turkey veggie mush for dinner... so then I gave her some breadstick and a few bites of my fettuccine.
I think that's all for now... I need to get some zzzzzzzzzzzzz's!
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