don't be a nasty bitch

Isn't that the best tee-shirt???? My friend just sent me the link and was like "I WANT THIS SHIRT!!!"
If only I had it 6 months ago... would have been a great thing to wear to work LMAO.
If I bought this tee-shirt I would wear it all the time... imagine walking into a bar wearing it... or walking around the mall... do you think people would be nice to you? Or be nasty bitches just to spite the shirt?
Hilarious. I wish they made it in PINK!!!
So anyway, not much is up. Gotta work on the air tonight... trying to see if my bro wants to babysit but he hasn't called me back... it's too early on a Saturday morning for him though LOL...
Last night I watched Legally Blonde on TBS... still haven't seen the Notebook yet but it's on Pay Per View so maybe I'll watch it this week...
Tomorrow I think I'm going shopping with my friend Stephanie. Need to get Kyla an Easter dress and get her picture done with the Easter bunny. I hope she isn't afraid of the Easter bunny... but I can see her screaming for mommy. I wonder if they'll let me take some shots with my digital camera too so I can easily load them... I'm sure they probably have the option to make a disk of them - for another $9.99 or something. Remember when it was just a polaroid picture for like $5 and now it's frigging $30-40 just to get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny!!!
I have some new pics of her to post... In her cute little giraffe sleeper that Grammy picked up for her at Gymboree. It's SO CUTE... I had my eye on it for a while but refused to pay $28 for a sleeper... but my stepmom saw it on sale and got it! SUPER CUTE!
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