Thursday, March 03, 2005

More D*ana

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- what's a m.i.l.f.?
- m.i.l.f. cravings...
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- Kyla makes eye contact with yellow blob "Clay" on ...
- Here's a super cute one my friend Steph took at th...
- Yummy breakfast!!
- Doing patty cakes with my tongue hanging out of my...
- Look! One hand!
- She likes to take ALL the blocks out one at a time...
- Just playing with the new photo software LOL...

Awwwwwwwwww!!!! Kyla is so beautiful! She's going to have to beat the boys off with a stick!!!!! No dating until she's 30 right?!
P.S. I listened to your show in FL and was sad to see you go.
Such a cute dress!
PLEASE tell me you have a gate installed on those stairs behind her!?? She is adorable!~
She is actually farther away from the stairs than it appears. She NEVER plays right there at all... I just sat her there for pictures and I literally had my hand right out of the snapshot - and with this camera, my eye is not up to it... trust me - those stairs FREAK ME OUT but she's not near them. She tried to climb the posts at one point and I was like "NO" - just the thought of one not being sturdy enough... I just put her there for the pics. I am overprotective about EVERYTHING TRUST ME LOL.
Oh my, the girl looks just like her father. She is adorable. :)
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