my spinning head!

OK, I don't know if it is the LARGE Dunkin Donuts Coffee I had while I was on the radio, or the fact that I've just been thrown yet another curve ball... but my head is SPINNING right now... Like going a mile a minute... I tried to come home and sit and watch TV but I'm just all jacked up LOL...
Oh, the curve ball - nothing bad at all. Something really good... but it just makes me think about a whole other option. It's always good to have options, right? I think just the feeling of being in complete limbo right now and not knowing which direction I'm going to move in next is getting to me... every new option is a new opportunity that has good points and bad points... So much to consider!!
Being on the air was fun tonight - of course. I had Kelly Clarkson or Lenny Kravitz tickets to give a way... one cool thing about Boston is that there's a good concert like basically EVERY night of the week once the spring starts...
I'm going to watch SNL in a little bit. I never watch SNL anymore but I know I can't go to bed right now.
That's about all... Tomorrow night I might go out with an old friend. Not sure yet what the plan is. I want to go, but I also think maybe I shouldn't...
Dana, If you have a chance to get out for a bit with a old friend tonight, GO FOR IT! Even if its just for a hour!!!!
I always passed when I was invited out with a friend after having Z. Now I totally regret it! We deserve " me " time too =o)
Go out for a little and just relax,its good for you. You can wear one of your great outfits that you just bought........
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