tv time...

Um, is that not the SCARIEST PIC OF DR. PHIL EVER???
Really the picture has nothing to do with this... but I did watch some Dr. Phil tonight. I happened to catch the 2nd half of an episode I watched last week. This 19 year old kid was a sexual predator and his parents knew it... but he always lied... so Dr. Phil got him on the show, did a polygraph, etc... just horrible. The poor mother was like "I never thought I would give birth to a beautiful child and have him grow up to be a sexual predator..." SO SAD.
Anyway, I also watched the Primetime special about these kids in Nebraska who were high on crystal meth and ended up freezing to death in the snow. They got lost in a blizzard, they were hallucinating... the kept calling 911 but had no idea where they were or anything... Just horrible. I see things like that and I worry about Kyla growing up exposed to so much garbage... and no matter how well you raise your kids, sometimes you just can't protect them from that stuff. I always knew better - but some kids just DON'T... well sh*t, some adults don't either LOL... Anyway, that was one of those stories where they don't really tell you if they end up dead or alive, so all along you're hoping they found them... but no. Then it comes back and they show where their bodies were found. Just terrible.
Before all that, I watched 2 episodes of Extreme Makeover. I should have stopped watching TV right there, because watching the other stuff makes me depressed!
I love Extreme Makeover, but it seems like some of the people they are making over now AREN'T EVEN THAT UGLY. I mean, they're not beauty queens, but they are average looking people! This one dude looked FINE. He has weird ears and some bad teeth - but his face was fine... they made him look great... but its a little disturbing that even decent looking people are getting all this surgery. I've never been a fan of plastic surgery at all... unless it's for medical reasons. I am not perfect but I'm happy with how I look... and I really hope I raise Kyla to be confident and happy with herself no matter how she looks.
I need to just sit and watch TV more often. The reason why I don't is because I DON'T LIKE ANYTHING!!! I am so over the reality crap. American Idol sucks. It's like glorified kareoke. Survivor is blah... And everything else on TV is about death crime and more death. I can't watch that stuff. Enough horrible things happen in real life every day, I don't need fictional horror as well. Seriously... I just can't watch those things.
I've seen a lot of previews for the new John Stamos show "Jake in Progress"... I'll check that out.
I do watch Starting Over every day - it helps me! I seriously feel like I relate to EVERYONE they have on that show in one way or another... so when things apply to me I listen as if they're giving advice to me. I watch The View but you know how I feel about that show...
OH - speaking of which - I meant to talk about this the other day but I forgot... I USED TO really like Elisabeth Hasselbeck... but now I kinda think she's not too smart. She is pregnant... about to pop soon... and she doesn't want to know ANYTHING about giving birth!!! She's all squeamish about it. I guess a lot of girly girls are like that... but I wanted to know EVERYTHING. I read a lot, took the class, asked around, and there were STILL things I didn't know about!!! Anyway, she's a cutie but she needs to stop being so "ew that is yucky" about everything. Wait 'til the kid squirts poop at her for the first time, THEN she'll be freaking!!
Anyway, I just found out I'm definitely on the radio again this weekend so that's exciting!! Things are going good!!
I'm going to do some dirt and then hit the sack... hit the sack, I love that silly expression.
can someone tell me how to add pics to blogs???
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