m.i.l.f.'s book club

Um, no. I am not going to become like Oprah LOL... but I just thought that subject was fitting since I'm going to tell you about the book I am reading because at lot of people have asked...
It's called "Milkrun"... it's part of the Red Dress Ink series.
I've never read any of these... but I really like this book. My best friend says all the books in this series are great.
Here's the website Red Dress Ink so check it out if you need something good to read. They're like chick books. Not really "romance" novels... more like stories of everyday women.
And speaking of Oprah, wasn't really good today. None of the talk shows were good today.
I watched Newlyweds though... the one where Ashlee performs at the Orange Bowl and Jessica is watching... OMG talk about a fine editing job!!! They TOTALLY showed Kelly Clarkson not able to hear herself... then had Jessica saying over and over how hard it would be to sing without hearing herself... then had everyone saying how great Ashlee was... and they didn't show the boo-ing AT ALL. It's as if it never happened!!
So I am kinda pissed off at a friend... and no, to my friends who read this - it IS NOT YOU... this person doesn't read my journal. I don't want to make a big deal out of it, I think I'm just pissed because I was excited about something and then it didn't happen... but oh well. I haven't said anything because I don't want to be a bitch - trying to work on the anger thing LOL. Plus, I don't think this person even realizes it's a big deal... and it's really not, it just got me the wrong way.
I have to get up early. I'm using my dad's car tomorrow to go do some errands and visit the radio station... I have worked there 3 times since I've been back, but I haven't gone in during the day to visit yet!! They all want to see Kyla, and there are some new people working there who I want to meet... and two of my friends there have had babies since I left so I want to see pictures!! Plus, they get to meet Kyla.
She is saying MAMA like crazy now. Babbling a lot. When we wave at her, she waves back. Say Mama, she says mama. She imitates us, its so adorable!!
So I don't know what to get her for her birthday. Of course I went to Old Navy's website and they have TONS of cute things for spring/summer... and toys, and I want to get her Bambi on DVD for Easter. I NEED A JOB!!!
How funny is this... Easter is the Sunday before her birthday... so she'll have her 2nd Easter before her 1st birthday! Last year it fell late... this year it's really early...
That's about it. I want to go read my book. I updated the dirt... there's a lot of good stuff. I also put some more fun links up in the links section too.
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