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Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's a Website, not THE VEGAS STRIP!!!

Ok, not that a lot of people do this - but enough do that it sufficiently pissed me off tonight.

I was looking for some little bullet clip arts... like, see all the gray diamonds on the sidebar, well, I want to use some different little tiny graphics instead, so I went looking on all these free clip art sites...

Only problem is they all have all these FRIGGING FLASHING TACKY ASS LITTLE SMILEY THINGS ALL OVER THEM!!! Sparkling and blinking, flashing, waving, exploding, changing colors, diving, weaving, poking, splashing, EVERYTHING. My eyes were going INSANE.

Please, a little bit of pizazz here and there is good. Too much is just TACKY!!!

OK, so, I am finally a cartoon. I SO LOVE my new graphic on the dirt site. It makes me happy.

I am going to bed. I am SO tired but I get so wrapped up into doing this stuff... especially after chasing little Kyla all day...

Oh, and I apologize to the people who email me asking why I don't "share" anymore... over 2,000 people read this journal. Most of them I don't know. Some are friends, some are not friends... therefore I have to watch what I say. Wouldn't want anyone to find out things they aren't supposed to know are going on... or have anyone get hurt... or anything.




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