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Monday, May 23, 2005

Kyla's 1st Day of School!

OK, well, it's daycare, not school... but to me, it feels like she's at school... and they do all kinds of activities and fun stuff, and this morning, I PACKED HER LUNCH, so it really does seem like school.

I stayed for an hour. My job (hopefully) starts mid-week instead of today... which is good because I really wanted to be able to stay with her for a little while and make sure she was content and adjusting well before I left her. I also need a few days to myself to just chill out, recharge, maybe even take a nap, etc. I haven't had a day to myself in SO LONG!!!

She did so much better than I expected!! Not 5 minutes we were in the room and she wanted to GET DOWN out of my arms... she went right over to a little boy and just started looking at him and doing that "hey I'm checking you out" thing that babies do. She is the youngest in the room, but I think that's a good thing since she'll be able to learn from the older kids. For the first week they told me they will kind of let her do her own thing, explore the room, etc. and next week they'll start trying to adjust her to the structure of the room.

So now I'm like... OK, what do I do with myself. It's COLD here. It's like freaking antarctica, seriously. Overcast for like the upteenth day in a row... it just sucks. IF it was nice I could go lay out or something!

I miss Florida... I know it's nice there, I was looking at a friend's blog with pics of her kids in the pool last week and I was like DAMN I'm a dumbass!! Here it is ALMOST JUNE and I'm in jeans and a sweatshirt, socks, etc... and I really feel like I should have put Kyla in her WINTER hat this morning!!

I had this really bizarre dream about an ex from a long time ago last night... we ran into each other by chance (in the dream)... It's making me a little nuts... but whatever.




At 1:19 PM, Blogger D*ana said...

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At 3:38 PM, Blogger GQ1NYC said...

Sometimes you get dejavu in dreams, if you run into this ex then you know you have the gift. That's why I moved out of NY to get sun early. This weekend I got some sun, my girl got burnt. enjoy your time to yourself.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger John said...

Schools are always cold so that people will stay awake

At 7:12 PM, Blogger D*ana said...

Sorry I deleted some comments... I just don't even want to discuss anything about it here.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger D*ana said...

Like I said, the topic is NOT open for discussion on this blog. It is NOT a "public" forum for anyone to just discuss/ask whatever they want about my life and expect answers.

It is about to become extremely private very soon though if people can't learn to mind their p's and q's.




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