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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sniffle Kid

Poor Kyla woke up with a face full of snot. She's rarely been sick. All that walking must be wearing her down LOL...

So I got asked out but I need some advice from the guys - yes guys, some of them hot, read this - on the right way to nicely decline the offer.

We met because of a business thing, then he emailed me and asked if I'd like to hang out sometime... very nice guy but I'm just not interested. I think its rude to not respond but what should I say??

LET ME CLARIFY - I did not meet him through my work or anything having to do with my job or career... I didn't want to say exactly where/how I met him, but I say business because I am a customer of his place of business... It's got nothing to do with my professional life! BEEN THERE DONE THAT NEVER AGAIN!

Gotta go do some aspirating!




At 11:48 AM, Blogger springsandra said...

When you figure out a solution, can you let me know? I've got a guy I've been e-corresponding with who sent me a photo recently and he looks like he's in his 40s (he's only 31, but... err...)... I'm just not interested in continuing to talk to him, and don't know how to break it off gently without being like "you look too old for me, sorry." I feel so shallow.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger GQ1NYC said...

If it was a business thing, let him know you wouldn't be comfortable associated with someone with work either it be a co-work or client. It's easier to keep these two seperate or what I was told early in my career "Don't stick your dick in your paycheck"

Another is to say that you're seeing someone right now and that you don't date around like that.

Or just be straight up and tell him your just not intrested.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger D*ana said...

OH let me clarify - this has nothing to do with my work or any job I might be looking into at all... I didn't want to specifically say where/how I met him, but it has NOTHING to do with my career or work!!

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My suggestion is to say you are flattered that he is interested in spending time with you, but that between your work, your baby daughter and other committments, you don't have the time to see anybody and decline the offer. Leave it at that. If he responds again, pressuring you further, just don't respond back. He isn't too bright if he can't take a polite no thank you like a man.


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