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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Move Over Mrs. Cleaver...

So, what do you think about that for the name of this blog? It's from Jenny McCarthy's book and I think it's fitting... She's like "Move over Mrs. Cleaver, there's a new bitch in town!" and I thought it was funny... I don't know. It's not my idea but I kinda like it... Something along those lines anyway.

I also like the idea of "Inside the Mind of a Babe with a Baby" but that's more of a subtitle than a title.

Well, I have a really funny story but I am hesitant to share it on this blog... But I will anyway.

Last night I had no babysitter. I called a LOT of people but nobody could do it... the family had plans, friends were away, etc... and nobody else could do the shift. I am SO LUCKY to work for such great people who totally understand my situation and my boss was like, "bring the little one... it's just one of those things that happens when you have kids... no worries."

So little Kyla came to work with me last night LOL... I KNEW she wasn't going to just chill in the pack & play while I was on the air... No way. At first she was like "what is going on..." like with that cute little looking around checking it all out thing... and then I put her in the stroller right next to me for a bit. She was good for about 20 minutes in there, which gave me enough time to get settled and get some phone calls, etc...

Then she started fussing. No Cheerios. No toys. She wanted OUT. She wanted me to hold her... so for about an hour and a half I did my show with a baby on my hip!!!

I AM SUPER-DJ-MOMMY!!! Maybe that should be the name of this blog LOL.

So I'm like... my arm is ready to fall off, one of these times she's going to start fussing with the mic open, I gotta get her to go to sleep - but putting her down in the pack & play outside the studio door just wasn't going to cut it. She SCREECHED... and I felt cruel just leaving her out there to stare at the door while I closed it. EVIL-DJ-MOMMY.

So what did I do... I NURSED HER. Yes, if only the people of Boston listening to this station around 10 last night knew that I had a kid on my boob while I was TALKING ON THE AIR. It's just a good thing she didn't bite me because y'all would have heard a big "OUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHH!!!!!"


What else is on the mind o' D*ana... Donations. I'm considering this for the Dirt Blog. I didn't want to, but I spent a LOT of time doing it and a lot of people have suggested I start taking them. I don't quite have enough hits to get serious advertisers... and once I hit that 10k/day (lol that sounds like a radio contest haha) thing I need to keep it at or above 10k/a day consistently for 6 months before anyone will pay me to put up ads. Yeah, google ads, I've made about $10 in 4 months - not gonna cut it.

I thought it was tacky to be all begging for donations, but you pay for tabloids so why not voluntarily pay me for my services. If I do this, I will have a cute little "Will gossip for food" graphic or something. I figure since I have about 7-8000 hits a day if only a small fraction of those people donate a buck a month I can make a little bit of money. I will just have a big disclaimer that just because you DONATE doesn't mean I can't take a day off if I need to or whatever... So what do you think? A lot of people are doing the whole donate thing but I'm not sure how they've made out with it.

So I have decided that there is a risk I need to take. It is not anything bad - I always feel like I have to put that because people assume I'm going off the deep end or something is wrong LOL - but it's a good risk. Putting myself out there and just preparing myself for the very real possibility of rejection... but that's life right? Had I never tried to be on the air I'd never be where I am... And that was a HUGE risk. I hate rejection, but I actually have a feeling that if I go about this situation right it could work out and be VERY rewarding. You'll know about it if/when it happens - TRUST ME.

There's your ambiguous what the hell is she talking about I hate when she does that statement of the day.

Tonight at dinner - we went to Longhorn, YUMMMMMMMY steak - and my stepmom said something about how when I get back into the working world (which is happening soon :) I'll meet people and have guys hitting on me... I was like "oh yeah, sure"... Honestly, that's really the last thing on my mind!! I just want to get myself straight before I worry about any stupid men!!!! I also wonder how difficult it will be to find guys who are cool with me being a mom. WHERE ARE THE DILFS??????

OK, I should jet. I am actually still sitting at the radio station chatting with someone.




At 10:03 PM, Blogger Maureen said...

I totally called it. Any breastfeeding mother knows that when all else fails, whip out the boobie.

At 11:56 PM, Blogger DenebM said...

donation idea is cool

highly doubt a few bucks will break anyone's bank

:) I'd be glad to do it . Your blogs are lots of fun.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Maureen said...

I would totally donate too. I stopped buying People and US Weekly b/c I get the info so much faster here. Donating a little each month is still cheaper than paying $5 every week.


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