glo worms and cheerios!

So last weekend my dad hooked all of Kyla's toys up with new batteries... including the Glo Worm... I feel bad when the batteries on her toys die and I don't replace them...
Well I figured out one of the reasons why she hasn't been sleeping through the night lately is because of the frigging GloWorm!!! Every time she wakes up or moves a little, it lights up and goes off... and seriously, it was in bed with me last night and I moved and it went off and I jumped out of bed it scared the sh*t out of me... and it is BRIGHT and LOUD. Yeah, real nice thing for a kid to sleep with at night!!
So I yanked the entire inside battery pack out of it... and she snuggled with it... I thought she was finally going to calm down and sleep.
But no. She was FLIPPING OUT crying all night last night... I was starting to get worried that something was wrong. I got up, turned the light on, and went fishing in the diaper bag for the baby Orajel... She's on the floor with me and snatches the little plastic bowl of Cheerios out of the bag and starts trying to open it!
I open it, she DIVES for the Cheerios, and suddenly she's calm. She starts STUFFING Cheerios in her mouth like crazy. My poor baby was just really hungry!!! I brought her downstairs and grabbed the box of Cheerios... put some water in her sippy cup... and we sat on the floor in the bedroom with a dim light on - at 3:30 in the morning - and she ate!!!
I should have known... I just didn't. She wasn't too into her food at dinner time and I'd actually thought about giving her something more before bed, but she didn't seem interested... so for about 4 hours last night I STARVED MY CHILD. All she wanted was something to eat!!!!
I almost got up and grabbed the camera too because she was SO CUTE sitting on the floor eating and drinking... Once she was done she crawled over to me and put her head in my lap, so we went back to bed. I let her sleep with me, sometimes mommies need to snuggle too LOL!
Tonight something funny happened too... she is such a riot. We were playing on the floor in the livingroom and I was laying down... she was climbing all over me trying to get the TV clicker and I was hiding it from her. At one point my shirt was up a little so my belly button was showing... and she STOPPED and was STARING AT IT... then she starts putting her FINGER IN IT!!!! I was like "stop it!" Having a finger in the belly button is not comfortable... it feels WEIRD. So I moved my shirt down and she pulled it back up again and was FASCINATED BY MY BELLY BUTTON!!!! She started doing her little giggle and it was like we were playing peek-a-boo with my belly button!!!
I keep missing PoweR Girls. I have seen the 1st episode about 10 times but EVERY TIME I catch it I always JUST MISS the 2nd episode where they went to P.Diddy's party. Everyone HATES ON this show but I am all about it. I don't like many TV shows right now but I love PoweR Girls!
Nothing else to blog about right now.
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