super fun m.i.l.f. day!

Mommy & Kyla tonight...
Today was a great day. Well, the WEATHER SUCKED... but I had a nice day. Got up early, drove my dad to work so I could use his car. Kyla and I went to the Post Office and mailed a few more things I had sold on eBay before I left Columbia... these people have been SO patient with me!!! I was nice and communicated with them so I guess with most people that is the key. Lucky for me the baby clothes they bought from me are still too big for their kids - otherwise I'd be concerned they'd outgrow them before I even shipped! But everything is done now. So that task - accomplished.
Then I picked my dad up at his office and we went over to pay off my old parking tickets. My dad took care of them... I need to get a car, but I need to be cleared with the fine folks at the Mass RMV before I can register a car, so we had to do it. They were from like 2001... I am so bad about just letting things go... And I just should never have parked in those spaces in the first place!! I've been lazy and stupid for too long...
So we got that done. Then my dad took us to lunch at Papa Gino's. SUPER YUM. I've been craving Papa Gino's all week so when he suggested it today I was like YES!!!! They don't have Papa Gino's anywhere else. Maybe that's why I'm so into it now... they are EVERYWHERE around here... but nowhere else. You guys are missing out. :)
After that, Kyla and I went to the radio station to visit and meet some new people I haven't met yet. I had so much fun catching up with people!! I'm going to be working just about every weekend and my friends there are totally trying to help me find a job too... Some of my friends who work in sales sat and played with Kyla in the hallway (lol yeah we were just kinda hanging out in the middle of the hallway - but nobody minded!) while I did some paperwork.
Not only was it great to see everyone and be welcomed back, but it also makes me realize... with other situations... maybe it WASN'T me.
Anyway, I did a very bad thing on the way back to pick up my dad. I stopped somewhere. And gave in to a craving...

But I got a HAPPY MEAL, so really... it wasn't so bad. I didn't Super Size. Just needed to satisfy the craving... it worked. I sat in the parking lot and chowed down on those 4 nuggets... and savored every morsel. Then the yummy fries... It's been MONTHS since I indulged in McDonald's, and since my jeans are just way too big now I figured I deserved some junk.
It snowed today... and it's still snowing. It's CRAZY winter weather out right now. My friend Amanda in FL just IM'd me and was like "It's FREEZING HERE, it's been DRIZZLING ALL DAY!!" Yeah, it's like 46 degrees there.
Here it's about 13, and the wind is blowing so hard I can hear it howling. I won't say it's like a hurricane because our house is standing and its not enough to down any trees... but it's damn windy.
My brother just IM'd me and told me that at his apartment complex, he passed 1 dominos, 3 fortunes, and a papa ginos delivery guy all stuck behind each other in corollas and escorts... on the hill going up to the complex. Stuck in the snow. Craziness!!
My friend Charlie in NY called me an hour ago and said he was going 1 mph. Yes, ONE mile per hour on the NJ Turnpike and the highway is a SHEET of ice. Cars off the road everywhere. I told him to hang up and drive but he wasn't going anywhere in the traffic. Once it started moving he got off the phone.
So yeah, you eskimoes down in Tampa need to shut up. Come up here, we'll give you cold!!
The next few days are going to be a little scary and difficult for some people here so please keep my family in your thoughts. I won't get into detail because I don't want to share personal information about anyone else, but I did want to mention it.
Thanks for your emails!!! I have been a SLACKER at writing back to people lately an then I wonder why I don't get many anymore - DUH!
I'm going to hit the dirt page and then hit my book!
LOL yes I did and I had to change the color of the pic because I look SO PALE and PASTY in that pic... nothing wrong with altering the color to make myself look a little better, right?
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