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Thursday, March 10, 2005

mad m.i.l.f.!

Well, not really. I mean, I'm working on the anger thing right...

For some reason the dirt blog is running really crappy right now. Half the stuff I try to post doesn't work... and then when it does it posts the freaking thing 3 times. This blog works fine most of the time... it's just the DIRT ONE!!

I'm thinking maybe it's because I post so much, so every time I do it it has to archive and move stuff around... I don't really know what to do. The blogger is supposed to be equipped to handle this kind of thing. Oh well. I'll keep working with it. I was thinking it might be my computer or internet connection, but everything else works fine... and some people have emailed me to say the page is slow to load, etc. That's why I started using some thumbnails instead of pictures... hopefully that will help. I'm just annoyed!!!

All went well with my family situation I am happy to say. I mentioned it yesterday but don't like to get into detail to protect privacy... but everything went fine!!

As for the flowers... wouldn't you like to know who sent them LOL... I am sure you can guess. They are very pretty... I will take a picture tomorrow. I meant to, but I forgot. Now I'm getting lots of emails asking what is going on... Sorry, it's private :)

I'm having a bit of a dilemma right now. There is something I need to tell someone and I am not quite sure how to approach it. I don't want to hide things... but I also don't want to upset this person... and I don't know how the news will be taken... so I have no clue what to do! I tend to just keep silent with things like this and silence ALWAYS bites me in the ass... so I have to speak up... it's just - how to say it... and when is the right time... I worry so much about saying the WRONG thing that I just put off ever saying anything!!! I have to see how some other things play out before I open my mouth though. No sense bringing it up if there's nothing to even worry about.

I found out TWO other pieces of interesting news today... both a little shocking. One could be good - or it could be nothing... and the other seems kinda bad, but could end up being OK.

Are you annoyed with reading this? I would be. Sorry, I just can't go off anymore and spill things - too many people read it!!! Right now there are a LOT of things I need to keep hush-hush... personal stuff, career stuff, etc... basically the only things I can really talk about are how I like my eggs, what I'm reading, and how my little princess is doing!!

Kyla is awesome. Every day I see changes now. It's crazy. A few times today she was holding onto the couch or the end table and just LET GO, stood for a few seconds, and then plopped on her bum!! It's amazing to watch her try to balance. She played in the tub with her rubber duckie. I had forgotten I even packed the rubber duckie and I FOUND IT today!!! So she had a good time with rubber duckie. Why does rubber duckie ALWAYS remind me of Sesame Street and Bert & Ernie??? That stupid song!!!

I watched "Birth Day" on the Discovery Channel today. Made me want to have another baby LMAO. I mean, there is nothing like the feeling of having a newborn little tiny baby... I will definitely pop out a few more kids someday... but of course there are a LOT of things that must be put in place before that happens again!!! Not 'til Kyla's out of diapers anyway... I can't imagine changing twice as many poopiedoo diapers a day... YUCK!

I LOVE the pictures I took of her earlier today. That was outfit number one of FOUR today LOL... she spit up all over one, then another was just too small (she's growing out of stuff SO FAST!!), and then I put her in something nice and warm after her bath. She so needs new clothes for her birthday!! I just hate buying winter clothes when it's going to be spring soon, but she needs a few things... and who knows how long I'll be stuck in this cold!!

I'm going to bed.




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