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Friday, March 11, 2005

some things...

are better left unsaid.

That's the saying isn't it. OK good. I was writing about my "how do I tell someone something" dilemma yesterday... talked to a friend about it today - and she advised me, "don't say anything." So, I'm going to heed that advice. I don't know how the person would react to the news, and so I just think it's better to keep it to myself and see how things play out. Telling the "secret" could backfire on me - and it wouldn't be fair - so I'm just going to keep it quiet and hope that when the time comes the truth will come out and all will be OK.

Kyla is wearing me out today! She did take a long nap earlier... but she's just all over the place, into everything, doesn't want to chill and play, but wants to climb, touch, grab, etc...

Her top tooth is coming in good. It's just breaking through, but I can totally see it and feel it. She keeps dragging her tongue along her top gums too... like feeling it.

She is learning to blow kisses. She's got clapping, high five, bye bye, so now I'm trying to show her to blow kisses. So super cute!!

Not much else going on... other than I had a strange dream about someone last night and I'm not sure what to think of it LOL. It's like a wishful thinking kind of deal... but it was so real. UGH I hate when that happens! Do you tell people when you have funky dreams about them? And it wasn't dirty so don't go thinking that LMAO.

Anyway, I gotta get to Kyla... she's about to destroy a box of Kleenex!




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