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Friday, May 13, 2005

I'm Still Here...

Hi, I know I have been slacking on some stuff lately... I will explain it all later. Between Kyla starting day care next week, getting a car, nice weather, setting up MySpace, and now finding out there is some frigging total nutcase out there using pictures of Kyla on her MySpace and blog and calling her "Domynyque"... I'm a little freaked out.

I wasn't going to post it, but you know what - screw it. This girl is insane and I would really like you guys to see just what kind of crazy people there are out there. I am working on getting her info and a friend of mine is helping me out - I just really want to know who she is so I know I don't have to worry about anything crazy happenning.


I do not know this girl... But she's obviously got some very serious issues. I just want the pictures of me and Kyla removed, but I am not quite sure how I can FORCE her - or the MySpace people or Blogger - to take them down.

Click here for psycho blog #1. Scroll down you will see pictures of Kyla, and a lot of her posts are copied from this blog - or from my old baby journal - and edited to suit her... like she changes Kyla's name to "Domynyque"!!!! Talk about SCARY. Check the archives too, lots of pictures of me, TK, Kyla... and she even took an entry off TK's blog and posted it, saying it was a letter she received from "Domynyque's father"!!!

I found this because once I signed up for MySpace, she sent me a message, from her profile, WITH MY PICTURE ON IT... I was like WTF!!! Just as I wrote this, they deleted the MySpace account. I emailed them, told them she was using my pictures, they made me take a picture of myself holding a "MySpace" sign, send it, and they removed it. I feel bad, apparently she's been talking to a girl online for a year and a half, and this girl has SENT HER GIFTS FOR "DOMYNYQUE"... I talked to people on her friends list because I wanted to fish for info - and I GOT PLENTY, especially now that this girl knows she's insane.

I highly doubt this girl is capable of doing anything to me... I know a lot of people read this and if you live in FL and have ANY idea who she might be PLEASE let me know... my gut feeling is that she uses her real name but just makes up this false life online...

So that's what I've been investigating. I suppose it's my own fault for posting pictures of Kyla... but not really. Lots of people post photos of their kids, I just happen to be the one who gets targeted by a psycho.

Time for bananas!!




At 11:19 AM, Blogger Attitude2Love said...

Yes, the dirt page is not loading! D*ana, wanna let you know that I too live in Bradenton, if you need me to do some digging I will. Just let me know! This is crazy, who in the RIGHT mind would do something like that. Psychotic! That's all I have to say!

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Brandy said...

Wow Dana- that girl is a freak! Her friend Cristi has a picture of Kyla on her blog too, one of the Easter pictures. Good luck with getting her to take those pictures down, and the dirt page won't load, she's got some SERIOUS ISSUES!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Michele_3 said...

WOW, I can't believe how crazy people are-I didn't get to see the website she had Kyla on.
But, I can imagine how scary that must of been for you to see that!
Hopefully she has learned her lesson and will stop now.......

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Jen said...

D*ana, I am so sorry that all happened to you!! I mean, I started reading your blogs and I love them and they inspired me to start one of my own. own. With my own life. If anyone finds her, direct her to the nearest institution!

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Jen said...

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At 5:31 PM, Blogger DenebM said...

ah, man! i missed it! the blog doesn't come up anymore

At 9:48 PM, Blogger D*ana said...

Thanks!! Yes it is the same girl... So in a way I am glad I found this now because it explains a lot. In the back of my mind sometimes I would wonder who that person was who made up that profile a while ago... She obviously wanted to get caught... or she wanted to piss me off and get away with it... but it's over with now. I don't think she'll do it again because if she does, I have all her info - I have her address, phone number, and more.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Type (little) a aka Michele said...

I met a weirdo like that online. She was actually infertile, but pretended to have boy/girl twins. She and I talked on the phone or email EVERYDAY. I even mailed her something and she had my home address. I was friggin spooked. I found her on another message board telling a story about MY daughter. She even called her by her real name, Sabrina (she used to gush about how much she liked the name)


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