"mama" m.i.l.f.

Yes, MAMA M.I.L.F. would be ME. Kyla says MAMA now... like crazy!!! She did it last night once... and now today, Mamamamama... mama... over and over again. She's TOTALLY getting it!!!
She's "cruising" all over the place too. She'll crawl up the coffee table, and just move right down to the other end of it... she'll climb the rocker, then reach for the table next to it, and go back and forth... she's ON THE GO. It's SO CUTE to watch her waddle LOL.
She and I were playing with her 2 Tigger stuffed animals yesterday... and she was CRACKING UP - and we just played with them again. It's BIZARRE, but she loves to lean over the side of the bed (with me holding her of course) and look at things. I pick them up, she drops them, and then I make the Tigger dolls jump on each other and she finds this HYSTERICAL. It's not just like a smile and a giggle... it's FULL BLOWN LAUGHTER. When we were doing it yesterday, I called TK while he was at lunch, told him to listen, put the phone right next to her, and then started making her laugh again. He had never heard her laugh like that!!! Sooooooo cute.
SHE WAVES TOO!!! She waved at my dad the other night while she was in the high chair and he was standing in the kitchen... and then last night when I was feeding her, she just started waving, so I waved back... then she clapped and I clapped, then I waved at her again and she did it back. It's SO FUNNY!
So that's the Kyla update!! I wish I had some pictures!!
Not much is up. I'm on the radio tonight at 6 which will be fun!!
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