visits and roses...

That's the picture of the day... for no reason ;) I just like pink, and I like roses... so there's some pink roses.
Any suggestions for pictures of the day? ANYTHING random - but it has to be something funny or something that will make you smile... I don't know - I just feel like this blog needs pictures. Pictures at random - email me
Today we went to the post office to mail some things I sold on eBay before I left Columbia... these people have waited almost a montht to get their stuff so I AM PRAYING that since I was really nice and communicated with them, explained my situation, etc. that they will not leave me bad feedback. If they do, oh well... but I hope they are nice.
Then we went to see my grandmother, Kyla's GG. GG - Great Grandma. It is so weird because I remember my GG... and now Kyla is calling my grandma GG... it's just different. We had a nice visit... my grandmother had oreos which I haven't had in a LONG time (ok, well, I haven't had them in a month - but that's a long time for me!!) and then she made grilled cheese for dinner. She thinks Kyla is a "hot ticket" :)
We stayed for a while... and then Kyla just got super cranky. We played right through her nap, so when we got home around 7 she just wanted her crib. Putting PJ's on an overtired baby is NOT FUN.
It was a good day...
I've just been doing the dirt tonight and chatting with friends online. I'm afraid to talk on the phone because Ky will hear my voice and wake up!!! She's so cute.

Can I just mention how much I don't enjoy The View... do you ever watch this show? GREAT CONCEPT. I remember when I first saw it a LONG time ago I thought - wow, what a cool idea, Barbara Walters and a bunch of chicks all with different "lifestyles" and "perspectives" but honestly, none of them every really say ANYTHING...
The whole "HOT TOPICS" thing is so lame. I mean, they're about a week behind everything else, and Merideth and Star Jones hog the camera. Then Joy Behardyharhar gets all flustered and cackles... then poor Elizabeth Hasselpregnant tries to get a little squeak in and one of them always cuts her off... and then when Barbara is on they all bow down and kiss her wrinkly ass.
I just always feel let down after watching it... I never agree with what they're saying... and half the time they make controversy out of nothing... or they do the "typical" controversial things and take the "typical" stance on things... Like for example - Star Jones says Omarosa was chosen to represent black women on the show on purpose because they want to depict all black women as know-it-all troublemakers... or something. Then Joy argued with her. And of course, nobody beats Star-I-have-a-receding-hairline-Jones in an argument.
Ugh, OK... so I don't like The View - do you?
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