Oprah & Peek-A-Blocks.

That was my day. Let's start with the Peek-a-Blocks. I just put a picture up here because I feel like this blog needs more color. The other one has all the fun celebrity trash... this one will just have pictures at random, and since I spent the majority of my day with Peek-a-Blocks I thought they were fitting.
I can stack Peek-a-Blocks 15 high... and then Kyla knocks them over. She is vicious about it!! I thought babies were supposed to laugh with glee as they knock over a stack of blocks... but Kyla, she just knocks and goes. Like, no giggling, no "mommy I did it!" look... just knocks it over and moves on to the next toy. It's a riot.
She did play the Cheerio game with me again this morning. One Cheerio left, she goes for it, I grab it, she cracks up. It's so great. The cutest thing ever. That was the best part of my day!!
I think she's getting top teeth. She's been biting really hard on things and sometimes acts like whatever she's biting hurt her. She's had a bit of a runny nose and lots of drool. And tonight before I put her down to bed she was rubbing her tongue over her top gums. I think she'll get those top teeth before her 1st birthday!!
Now for the Oprah thing...

This woman is almost 60. She was on Oprah today sharing her secret to looking young. Do you know what it is?
I kid you not.
Click here to see more from the show.
Oprah was great today. I know I am only 27, but I feel "old" - this show was awesome. These women have been through bad divorces, bad relationships, tragedy, they've been obese, etc... and now they all look FABULOUS. It's like 50 is the new 30 LOL... I was amazed at how good some of these women look.
It really inspired me. Sometimes I feel like I'm just an old hag now... yeah, at 27... like I'm a mom now so if I want to look good, or spend money on clothes or makeup for me, it's wrong... but really, it's not. Looking good can really help you feel good... When I went out the other night and got all dressed up cute, I had so much fun. It's a confidence thing.
Anyway, that's all I got right now... I am pretty tired and need to go night nights!!
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