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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Baby Bump!!!

AHHHHHHH!! Every mommy's worst feeling... well, probably not the worst of course, but a pretty bad one.

Kyla has a bump on her forehead.

We were playing in the kitchen... my dad's house has this really huge kitchen and Kyla LOVES playing in there... and she was climbing up my chair and slid and hit her head on the chair. I was trying to hold her and she just plunked right down. If you have kids you know - this kind of thing happens ALL THE TIME when they are learning to get themselves around... and usually it's nothing...

Well, she's got quite a bump right smack in the middle of her forehead. But she's fine. Barely fussed. There was the initial WAAAAAAAHHHH and then she was happy within 45 seconds. Then right after she stopped crying I noticed the bump. I was like OH NO MY BABY!!! So I freaked out for a minute thinking what if something's really wrong... but she didn't even hit her head that hard. Babies are so little that when they just fall from a standing position there's really not much momentum. Still, the bump on her head makes me feel horrible!

I will say it is nice having an experienced mom to talk to because my stepmom assured me "it looks worse than it is" and that's she's fine. I know as long as she's happy there isn't anything really wrong. It looks nasty though. I'm sure it will fade in a day or so.

Tonight we are having chicken pasta alfredo or some delicious concoction... Another bonus about moving in with the folks - yummy home cooked meals. I can not cook. I am learning though. I can actually boil carrots and heat up peas in the microwave now!!

I am a little bored being at home all day without a car, especially since it is cold outside and I'm not one for taking walks in the ice cold, but it's a much better bored feeling than what I had before. This is like a chill out period whereas before I felt I was just living the Groundhog Day life... same thing day in and day out with no end in sight.

I talked to a friend today from Tampa. She has some pretty big exciting things going on right now and I am super happy for her. While I've been conditioned to doubt my friendships at times......... I'm now finding reassurance from people I truly do care about and that's a good feeling. It makes me happy to see this person succeed and move forward. Hard work DOES pay off!!

I got my traffic facts back so I can see the hit count going back up... hopefully in the next few weeks it will be back to what it was before it was taken down. People are coming back fast though, so thank you!! I am amazed to see that I have hits from like 40 of the 50 states and RANDOM countries too!!

Kyla's awake. Gotta go.



At 5:33 PM, Blogger michelle said...

Yes, the bumps ALWAYS look way worse than they really are. As I always say "that's why they have skulls!". It's just scary when that huge goose egg pops up immediately. Just wait til she starts walking!

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Michele_3 said...

Hey Dana,
With my first son,When he was 1 1/2 I really freaked out with his first bump.
He hit his head on our kitchen cabinets(go figure) & the next thing I knew he had a Fred Flinstone bump hanging off of there.
I was putting ice there & freaking out because it wouldn't go down! We took him to the hospital and he actually hit a little vein that caused it to swell up like that.
He was fine and it finally went away.
But I know the feeling of nervousness every mother gets with those bumps(big or small)It was the worst feeling.. But, after the first one everything gets more easier and you usually know what follows..LOL
I saw the pictures of Kyla- she should be on those baby magazine covers-she is too precious!

Take care


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