More KYLA!

There's another one of my favorites. I think she's about 6 weeks old in this picture... I can't remember LOL... I have them all organized by month from June on, but the first few months are all in one online album out of order.
I slept good last night. Right before I went to bed I just felt like a weight was lifted off of me and I don't even know why. I guess it's just the process of letting go starting to work.
Kyla is on the floor playing with one of her bath toys. I bought her this little fishy thing that swims... but I can't use it with her in the tub because she goes for it so quickly I'm afraid she's going to get hurt... she just wants to go to a crawling position out of nowhere. Obviously I am right there with her, but she's FAST going after this freaking fish toy... so now she just plays with it out of the tub.
I have been trying to get into some TV shows just to relax... but I just don't like any!! I find myself either online reading/chatting/writing or reading books lately. I watch Starting Over if I catch it, and Oprah, but other than that I just don't get into TV. The Bachelorette is so super BORING. American Idol is BLAH... it's like watching the same kids sing over and over and over again... not fun. I don't like crime shows, they scare me. I do want to go to the movies sometime soon. When I went to see Bridget Jones when I lived in Columbia it was great... yeah, who would think going to see a movie would be such a big deal but it IS when you have a child and never really get to absorb yourself in something else...
Last night Kyla and I were doing the weirdest thing. I will try to explain it... We were sitting on the bed. I was sitting up against the pillows with my legs in front of me, and she was sitting against me... my feet were sticking out in front of hers. So she was staring at my feet. Then she would move one of her feet, and I would move my foot. And she was like mesmerized by this. Then she would lift her hand, and I would lift mine. Then she'd kick both her feet, and I would kick mine. And she laughed. Like, she knew I was copying her. This went on for literally 15 minutes. She is also into grabbing my nose lately.
Gotta go.
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