What a face.

That's a picture only a mother would love... I was just looking through all my ofoto pictures of Kyla and I just wanted to post one. I haven't taken any since we've been here so I figured I would just pull up some of my favorites and post them... I was going to grab one from each month of her life so far but that would take forever and I'm just tired right now.
Today we slept late... Did I already mention that?? I don't even know if I did or not LOL... she was awake early but I brought her in to bed with me and nursed her back to sleep. She is so funny when she sleeps... she makes the cutest faces and lays on her side like a mini-person.
She ate half a banana for breakfast. I was expecting to find half of it in the high chair, but she gobbled it all up except for one piece. She's the cutest when she eats. Tonight she wasn't much in the mood for carrots and mush Gerber beef. She was all about the Zwieback toast. A bread addict just like me!!!
Speaking of me and bread and food... I think I have started to lose some weight. There's not a lot of junk in the house and THAT IS A GOOD THING. I just don't need it. I was pigging out on oreos and ice cream and whatever treats TK would bring home for me... and it was just bad. We'd go through a pack of oreos in 3 days. That's just gluttony... or is it sloth. One of those deadly sins. We were definitely good at overindulging together.
Today has been another day of thinking on my part. My life is at a crossroads right now... one of those times where I'm in complete limbo and have no idea what will come next. I am actively trying to get a few jobs. BOTH situations have their pros and cons... but I'd do either in a heartbeat. It is too soon to know whether or not they are even interested in me... but even waiting half a day is nerve racking. The everything happens for a reason thing is in control. One situation will take me in one geographic direction, and the other... another direction. And if I don't get either one it just means I'm meant to stay here a little while longer until I figure out plan B. But at least I feel good about trying, and am enjoying the uncertainty of it all.
I also thought today about the show I've put on for everyone over the last several months. I know there are a lot of people, even people I know and would never suspect of caring about this, who have read this drama and consider my blog a "guilty pleasure". The best are those who I know but don't talk to who think I have no idea they're reading... or those who say "I heard from a friend that blah..." but I know they've been reading.
Oh, and lately, since I've kept the details of what is actually going on - because let's face it you know there's things going on right now - off of here, I'm getting random emails from people, and I know there have been phone calls made, and there's people all wanting their piece of the TK Dana pie all over the place... It's just really strange.
OK so I've been writing and deleting, writing and deleting, because I am starting to do that spewing and whatever that I shouldn't do.
So goodnight.
I think that photo is so adorable.
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