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Friday, February 11, 2005


Kyla said Mama at me this morning!

We called TK so he could say Hi to her and when I put him on the phone her little face just LIGHTS UP!! He says "Hi little baby I miss you" and she just squeals and smiles, then goes to eat the phone - of course. So he and I talked for a few minutes and then when I got off the phone she said "mama" to me. It was so weird. I don't know if she did it on purpose, but it was cool!!!

Right now she is reading her little Ladybug book. She LOVES books. I keep most of them out of her reach so she can't spit up on them or rip them, but this one she LOVES so I let her have it. It has little ladybugs that stick out... so cute.

I need to get back on the ball with some things today... and since I'm working late tonight I hope Kyla will want to take a nice long nap with me this afternoon.

How funny is this... I've been introducing her to all different foods... and I started giving her these little gerber chicken sticks. They look like little mini-hot dogs. I cut them up and SHE GOBBLES THEM RIGHT UP. No matter what else is on her tray - peas, carrots, bread, etc... she goes for the chicken, and then she reaches out to me for more if she sees more sitting on the table in front of me. She is a CHICKEN GIRL JUST LIKE ME!!!

OK it's breakfast time!



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