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Saturday, March 05, 2005

my spinning head!

OK, I don't know if it is the LARGE Dunkin Donuts Coffee I had while I was on the radio, or the fact that I've just been thrown yet another curve ball... but my head is SPINNING right now... Like going a mile a minute... I tried to come home and sit and watch TV but I'm just all jacked up LOL...

Oh, the curve ball - nothing bad at all. Something really good... but it just makes me think about a whole other option. It's always good to have options, right? I think just the feeling of being in complete limbo right now and not knowing which direction I'm going to move in next is getting to me... every new option is a new opportunity that has good points and bad points... So much to consider!!

Being on the air was fun tonight - of course. I had Kelly Clarkson or Lenny Kravitz tickets to give a way... one cool thing about Boston is that there's a good concert like basically EVERY night of the week once the spring starts...

I'm going to watch SNL in a little bit. I never watch SNL anymore but I know I can't go to bed right now.

That's about all... Tomorrow night I might go out with an old friend. Not sure yet what the plan is. I want to go, but I also think maybe I shouldn't...



Feeling better today!

I'm feeling MUCH better today. It must have been like something I ate... I don't know. I felt like crap all day yesterday but I am MUCH better today!

As you can see below... we had quite a busy morning of playing LOL... The pictures are kinda backwards... She was in the laundry basket first... and took a bath a little while ago right before her nap - but who cares.

My dad and stepmom took care of her this morning so I could get some more sleep - I think that helped me a lot. I'm on the radio at 6, so my brother is coming over to babysit.

Not much else is going on. I need to do something new with my hair but it's the last thing I can be spending money on lol... The brown has faded, so now it's back to blonde with long roots!!! I knew it would happen, but it still annoys me. My hair is NATURALLY brown, so it doesn't make sense that brown washes out and it goes back to being fake blonde!!! Oh well, it's not like I have anyone to impress right now.......... ;)

Um, so, that's about it. As for my job search... it's going fine... I just feel it is better to leave any details about that stuff off of here, but trust me - I'm working on it!!!

Have a great day!


In my robe after my bath!

This table looks yummy!!

I'm gonna knock these over!


Playing under my high chair...

Helping Grammy do laundry LOL...

Friday, March 04, 2005

sick m.i.l.f.

I'm not feeling very milfy today... I don't feel good at all. I woke up with a tummy ache... so I'm just chillin on the couch today. I haven't been sick like this since before Kyla was born - it is not easy taking care of a baby when you are sick!! She is being a little sweet pea though, taking a nap right now. I'm going to lay down while I can!


Thursday, March 03, 2005

tv time...

Um, is that not the SCARIEST PIC OF DR. PHIL EVER???

Really the picture has nothing to do with this... but I did watch some Dr. Phil tonight. I happened to catch the 2nd half of an episode I watched last week. This 19 year old kid was a sexual predator and his parents knew it... but he always lied... so Dr. Phil got him on the show, did a polygraph, etc... just horrible. The poor mother was like "I never thought I would give birth to a beautiful child and have him grow up to be a sexual predator..." SO SAD.

Anyway, I also watched the Primetime special about these kids in Nebraska who were high on crystal meth and ended up freezing to death in the snow. They got lost in a blizzard, they were hallucinating... the kept calling 911 but had no idea where they were or anything... Just horrible. I see things like that and I worry about Kyla growing up exposed to so much garbage... and no matter how well you raise your kids, sometimes you just can't protect them from that stuff. I always knew better - but some kids just DON'T... well sh*t, some adults don't either LOL... Anyway, that was one of those stories where they don't really tell you if they end up dead or alive, so all along you're hoping they found them... but no. Then it comes back and they show where their bodies were found. Just terrible.

Before all that, I watched 2 episodes of Extreme Makeover. I should have stopped watching TV right there, because watching the other stuff makes me depressed!

I love Extreme Makeover, but it seems like some of the people they are making over now AREN'T EVEN THAT UGLY. I mean, they're not beauty queens, but they are average looking people! This one dude looked FINE. He has weird ears and some bad teeth - but his face was fine... they made him look great... but its a little disturbing that even decent looking people are getting all this surgery. I've never been a fan of plastic surgery at all... unless it's for medical reasons. I am not perfect but I'm happy with how I look... and I really hope I raise Kyla to be confident and happy with herself no matter how she looks.

I need to just sit and watch TV more often. The reason why I don't is because I DON'T LIKE ANYTHING!!! I am so over the reality crap. American Idol sucks. It's like glorified kareoke. Survivor is blah... And everything else on TV is about death crime and more death. I can't watch that stuff. Enough horrible things happen in real life every day, I don't need fictional horror as well. Seriously... I just can't watch those things.

I've seen a lot of previews for the new John Stamos show "Jake in Progress"... I'll check that out.

I do watch Starting Over every day - it helps me! I seriously feel like I relate to EVERYONE they have on that show in one way or another... so when things apply to me I listen as if they're giving advice to me. I watch The View but you know how I feel about that show...

OH - speaking of which - I meant to talk about this the other day but I forgot... I USED TO really like Elisabeth Hasselbeck... but now I kinda think she's not too smart. She is pregnant... about to pop soon... and she doesn't want to know ANYTHING about giving birth!!! She's all squeamish about it. I guess a lot of girly girls are like that... but I wanted to know EVERYTHING. I read a lot, took the class, asked around, and there were STILL things I didn't know about!!! Anyway, she's a cutie but she needs to stop being so "ew that is yucky" about everything. Wait 'til the kid squirts poop at her for the first time, THEN she'll be freaking!!

Anyway, I just found out I'm definitely on the radio again this weekend so that's exciting!! Things are going good!!

I'm going to do some dirt and then hit the sack... hit the sack, I love that silly expression.


m.i.l.f. bad day.

OMG this NEVER happens... but today my little sweet princess is SO CRANKY I don't know what to do! She does not want to play, she does not want to eat, she does not want to be held. It's just crying. She is not sick - SHE IS TEETHING. I don't know how to comfort her any more. She didn't sleep well last night at all... I brought her in with me and she couldn't sleep with me either... She was in my bed all night but she didn't sleep - so I didn't sleep either.

I just gave her some baby Tylenol hoping it would make her feel better and maybe she could settle for a much needed nap - but no. Earlier when I went to take a shower I thought she would sleep... but no... so we got up and went to play, but she didn't want to. She just crawled over to me wailing...

This is one of those days when you just don't know how to comfort your baby and IT SUCKS. I just put her back down to see if she might fall asleep... you can tell she is just SO OVERTIRED...

Anyway, I have just been browsing around at some things on line and I just have to tell you... some things just make me laugh out loud... like things people say... or think... it's just a riot. People sharing their philosophy on life... I mean, you can pretty much come up with a philosophy on anything in order to make what you WANT to be true APPEAR to be true... does that make sense? I don't know, I guess I am done searching for some deeper truth to things. They are how they are - and when something seems a certain way, most likely it IS that way.

There's my deep thought for the day. Now I'm going to go try to get my poor little teething girl up to play!


the notebook.

OK I am going to get this movie and watch it. I have heard SO MANY THINGS about it... it's like the movie EVERY CHICK on earth has seen except me! I have no idea what it is about at all... I think since I have a baby and I never get to go to the movies, I don't pay attention much. I know what is coming out and who is in what, but I just never get to go anymore so I don't pay attention. I don't rent movies because I NEVER return them... and obvoiusly at this point I have no money to be buying them... but I'm going to see if I can get this one and check it out.

I need to jump in the shower... I know, 3 in the afternoon, no shower yet LOL... I usually wait until Kyla takes her afternoon nap. If I showered right when I got up in the morning I'd feel like I need another one by this time of day anyway... anyone who is a SAHM (Stay At Home MILF) knows what I mean!!

So if you saw the Notebook - let me know how it was - but don't go giving away secrets LOL...

Hope you like the pics of Kyla - I have a TON of them but those ones are my favorites.


playing dress up...

I am so cute all dressed up pretty...

Yes, today I just randomly decided to pull one of her cute dresses out of the closet and put it on her. The funny thing is, she usually freaks out when I go to dress her, but when she knew she was putting on a pretty dress she was ALL ABOUT IT... and she was just so proud of herself looking so cute!! She's becoming a little girly girl!!

Oh no.. that camera... not again!

Action shot!

Kyla... wearing her food :)

what's a m.i.l.f.?

Ok folks... first of all... let me explain what the Webster's definition of M.I.L.F. is...

Like to have
Fun with...

LOL.. something like that.

So, someone posted this comment about how "trashy" the m.i.l.f. thing is... come on people - it's meant to be funny. Can we PLEASE not take me and this journal too seriously?? Really... m.i.l.f.ism is not just about being "f-able" - it's kind of an attitude, a way of life... and it ISN'T BAD.

I mean, it's about being a mom, but also being your own person - being young at heart, still trying to be somewhat "cool", still having fun... it's all of those things.

That's what being m.i.l.f.y is all about... I was talking to a guy friend on IM last week... and he said "you should start the MILF RADIO NETWORK" or something... and we were JOKING about it... so then I was like - that's what I'll call my journal!!

I have talked to plenty of women with kids who are like "yeah I'm a milf" and stuff... it's meant to be fun. What mom doesn't want to be a m.i.l.f.? There is nothing wrong with being a fun, attractive, mother!

My calling it the m.i.l.f. diaries isn't for any other reason than that the term "M.I.L.F." is FUNNY... like the whole thing behind it is funny...

So really, get over it if it bugs you... it's just meant to be funny. And honestly, the last thing on my mind right now is MEN so you can't even take the actual meaning of it seriously anyway!


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

m.i.l.f. cravings...

I am SO craving a nice big tall iced mocha with whipped cream... I tried to find pictures of them in a google search and this is the best I could come up with LOL...

SO YUMMY. I haven't had one in over a month so I'm jonesing for one!! Hopefully this weekend I'll get to the mall or go somewhere for one... they are SO GOOD my mouth is watering just thinking about one!!

Can you believe Denise Richards filed for divorce?!?! Did anyone know they were having problems? Kinda shocking... when I read that article last year right after she had her baby, it seemed like he was totally being cool and being a good dad... but I know sometimes people want to give the illusion they are happy when really it isn't good... I'm sure she has good reasons. She's also 6 months pregnant with their second child, so you know there's gotta be some ish going down if she's prego and getting divorced!!

Have you ever found something out that kind of blows you away... but then you realize that you knew it all along and were probably just in denial of it because it was so horrible you didn't want to believe it was true? I have made the mistake - more than once - of trying to believe all the good and just brush off the bad... but eventually true colors really do show through. It is usually in the most trying of times that people are really tested... and when someone fails you - you know. You hope it'll be different, but... when it all comes down to it - you know.

Things are cool here. I am on the air again this weekend, just don't know what time yet... and I have some people I want to see this weekend but I have to find out if I can get anyone to watch Kyla for a few hours. Plus I need to find out when I am working before making any plans. A friend I haven't seen in a long time wants to hang out Sunday night... so we'll see. And Friday is my friend Jessica's birthday so I want to get out to her little bash too.

Kyla's birthday is in exactly 4 weeks!!! I can't believe it - she's going to be a year old!!! I am not sure what we'll be doing for her birthday. I'm going to have to learn how to bake a birthday cake!! I just can't wait to see her mashing the cake into her mouth and stuff... it's going to be SO CUTE!! It's hard to believe a year ago at this time I was scouring the apartment on Harbour Island preparing for the baby shower... how life has changed since then - WOW!!

Anyway, I'm going to bed... hopefully that pic of the iced mocha didn't make you crave one too!!


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

m.i.l.f.s love louis vuitton...

And so do puppies!!

It's Beth's little doggie Francis... with her LV purse!!! SO CUTE!!!

Hopefully soon I'll be able to afford things again... but honestly, after what I've gone through I'm going to become VERY thrifty LOL...

So I have some very important stuff to do tonight... ;)

Kyla and I had a fun day playing. She is saying "mama" all the time and I am starting to think she KNOWS I AM MAMA!!!! She is so cute it's ridiculous.

I gotta get started on some stuff... Sorry the dirt page is a little show the last few days, there really is NOTHING worth writing about!! When I find stories I only post them if I feel compelled to - and lately there's just nothing. I like to keep it all high quality, juicy, good stuff LOL.

Oh, and comments are now open to everyone... I know it's a pain to sign up for the blogger, etc...

PLEASE - IF YOU SEE RUDE COMMENTS DO NOT RESPOND. I check them often enough to delete them quick... but just DO NOT REPLY. DON'T COMMENT BACK. People do this stuff to GET A REACTION... so just don't respond at all. Just laugh at the silly person sitting there trying to stir up trouble on my lame blog and let it go. I can handle it :)


Kyla makes eye contact with yellow blob "Clay" on TV... She tries to touch him LOL.

Here's a super cute one my friend Steph took at the mall on Sunday. She's looking right at the camera for a change!!

Yummy breakfast!!

Doing patty cakes with my tongue hanging out of my mouth... check out my little curls, they are starting to grow!!

Look! One hand!

She likes to take ALL the blocks out one at a time now!

Just playing with the new photo software LOL...

Monday, February 28, 2005

m.i.l.f.s love the mall!

Brrrrrr ooh baby it's cold outside!!!

Look how cute she is. We bundled her all up in her stroller... and then snapped a ton of pictures of her - she was annoyed.

So these are new pics from yesterday at the mall... we had fun, she was SOOOOOO good the whole time.

This new thing only lets me load one pic at a time which is kind of annoying - I'm sure it can do multiple pictures at once but I haven't figured it out yet!!



How about these pants Mommy - they'll make your butt look good :)

Where's Kyla?


Get these stupid things off my head!!

I want this one Mommy!!!

How cute!!! I have a bunch of pictures to load... I figured out this whole new way to get pics up. I have my digital camera all plugged in now, downloaded some software so I could load the picutres, and then realized there's this whole software package that is FREE that connects right to your blog so you can post pictures!!! It resizes them automatically... SUPER COOL. I can even make little collages with it but I'm not that good at it yet...

So anyway, that's what I'm doing.

It's a SLOW dirt week so far... well, it is only Monday... and not much can compare to the Paris Hilton thing last week!!!

Kinda makes you think though... imagine if everyone you knew found your emails, IMs, voicemails... we would ALL be in trouble I think... with our friends, our bosses, our significant others... SCARY!!

I have 2 words. Decisions, decisions. LOL.

Have a good night, I'll be posting more pics we had fun at the mall!!!



I have always considered you one of the most talented people I ever heard on the radio. Your passion for the business comes through. You are a throwback to the way it was. You don’t find that passion in a lot of today’s air talent.

A friend in Tampa just emailed me... Someone I haven't talked to for a while... just sent that to me in an email. How sweet?!?! And it honestly couldn't have come at a better time.

I can't write much, but what a compliment. Totally brightened my day.



i'm a very bored m.i.l.f.

Yes, indeed I am. I am dozing off as I type... I just subjected myself to the most boring 3 hours on television I've ever watched. The Oscars.

First of all, is all of Hollywood TRYING TO LOOK BAD at these shows lately? Like, it used to be about being beautiful and fresh and pretty and amazing... and now it's about who can look the ugliest!!! I put my whole rant about these horrible looking celebrities on my other site...

And Chris Rock hosting... umm... He's like MY FAVORITE... but watching him host the Oscars is painful. I'm waiting for him to bust out swearing... and he obviously couldn't. He did get some good jabs in at some Hollywood people... but it was kinda rude LOL - like why did he single out Jude Law???? His jokes about GWB were funny though.

If you missed it, don't worry. YOU MISSED NOTHING... and can I just tell you, I don't think Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt even went. In fact, it doesn't seem like many famous people were there at all!!! They kept showing the same handful of boring celebrities over and over and over again...

So anyway, I went to the mall today with my friend Stephanie... we went to Friendly's for lunch. Kyla ate french fries for the first time. I am pretty selective about what I let her eat, but I also want her to get a taste for all different foods and textures - to make SURE she doesn't end up picky like me... so she got fries and a hot dog LOL... She love veggies and fruits though which is such a good thing... I'm sure it might change when she gets a little older, but for now she's all about the peas and carrots!

She also keeps learning new things it's just ridiculous!! Tonight we were playing on the floor after getting back from the mall and she was rolling a ball to me, and I would roll it back... it was SO CUTE. I have been trying to get her to do it for a while now and suddenly she just gets it. TOOOOO CUTE.

Anyway, I had more to write but I am POOPED. LOL, love that word, pooped.
